Specialist Mentoring Project

 This project is for young people with complex needs and their families. It focuses on holistic, preventative and sustainable support interventions, working with the family as a whole. It focuses on hard-to-reach, at-risk young people who may have special educational needs, exhibit psychological distress or mental health issues and antisocial behaviours, raising concerns around engagement (within school, home, health and/or social services) and family dynamics.

This project helps these young people to navigate their futures and overcome many of the associated short to longer term challenges and obstacles, as well as supporting parent Carers to feel better equipped to look after themselves and their families by way of providing specialist and appropriate intervention.

Funded by Richmond Parish Lands Charity and the Hampton Fund.

Peer Support Project

Crossroads Care offers tailored individual support for Carers and/or the people they care for who are experiencing mental health conditions.

We assess, develop and deliver plans of support to Carers that will optimise their ability to continue caring whilst maintaining their own health and well-being.

We work closely with the Community Mental Health Transformation Programme (CMHTP),

the Richmond Mind Senior Carer Peer Support Development Lead, alongside South West London & St George’s Mental Health NHS Trust (SWLSTG) as part of the Carers HUB. The aims of the project are to improve pathways and coordinated services for Carers experiencing mental health issues, often as a direct result of caring.

This new model of care has been developed to help remove barriers between primary and secondary care, promoting better integration between services.  The model aims to reduce waiting times and the number of people going into crisis, as well as addressing inequalities and supporting transitions as well as offering holistic/personalised care and support to patients and their Carers.

Funded by NHS South West London and St George’s Mental Health NHS Trust

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Carers: Finding Help in a Crisis

To coincide with Emergency Services Day on 9th September, we are shining a light on the Crossroads Care Emergency Respite Service which supports unpaid carers in times of crisis When Ian, 86, experienced heart pains and needed to be rushed to hospital in an ambulance...

Host a Caring Tea Party for Crossroads Care

Want to help change the lives of unpaid carers this June?   Why not host a tea party during Carers Week (10th-16th June), or another time during the month of June, to raise money for local charity, Crossroads Care? What impact would my fundraising have? If you...

Sophie’s Turks Head 10K Challenge for Crossroads!

We are saying a huge thank you to Sophie Crosswaite who is running the gruelling Turks Head 10K Fun Run in aid of Crossroads Care Richmond and Kingston! Sophie decided to take on the challenge on 9th June for Crossroads because the charity has been providing practical...

The Power of Books for Children with Autism

Today on International Read to Me Day, and during Neurodiversity Celebration Week, one of the parent carers that we support is shining a light on the power of books for children with autism. Crossroads Care supports Jane and her daughter Annabel, 13, who has autism,...

Keep Dancing! How Dancing Can Help Children with Autism

During World Autism Month, Fiona Mitchell explores how street dance classes can enhance the lives of children with special educational needs and disability (SEND). Eighteen months ago, Hebe, 15, who has autism and dyspraxia, began attending the Crossroads Care...

Supporting the Well-Being of Dads with Disabled Children

Our Dads Who Care group has become a lifeline to fathers of profoundly disabled children. Here, James, who spoke at our recent AGM, shares how being a member of the group helps to reduce loneliness and feelings of loss. It’s difficult to put into words just how huge...

Getting Carers Talking

With Time to Talk Day taking place in February, Crossroads Care Peer Support Worker Michaella Ramini speaks to us about a new initiative to support people looking after loved-ones experiencing severe mental health issues What is this new mental health initiative? I...

Managing Mental Health when Caring for a Disabled Child

To coincide with Parent Mental Health Day this month, Fiona Mitchell explores how Crossroads Care supports the well-being of local parent carers looking after children with complex needs All parents experience some form of stress at different points in their lives,...

Come and Volunteer with us at Crossroads Care!

Crossroads Care, the charity that supports carers and the people they care for, of all ages and disability, has 24 regular volunteers who bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to our team. While all our care support workers are paid, highly trained members of...

Our Annual General Meeting 2023!

Enormous thanks to everyone who attended our Annual General Meeting yesterday held in the beautiful salon room at York House, Twickenham. We were delighted to welcome many of the carers that we support, along with our Patron Sir Vince Cable, the Mayor of Richmond Cllr...