Our 16+ Group for Young People with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) began in April 2023.
It was launched after staff and parents became increasingly aware that older members of our Saturday Club for 8–18-year-olds with SEND, were still very much in need of our support as they start a new journey into adulthood, with all the challenges and obstacles that come with that transition. The group for 16–21-year-olds runs every Saturday during term-time and provides a stimulating and safe space, allowing young people to continue with their favourite activities such as dance and karate as well as giving Young Carers an essential break from their caring roles.
Saturday Club Lead Danielle Way says: ‘Being given the chance to open a 16+ group is so exciting and being able to share this news with parents is even better. Over the years, parents have been consistently telling us that once their children leave school, they feel like they fall into a massive black hole – with all their usual support systems coming to an end and at a time when they need more support than ever.
‘The young people themselves also don’t want to leave the Saturday Club — and the karate classes that so many of them attend — as the club is their only safe social place to meet friends. While we provide monthly film nights for this group, we felt this just wasn’t enough.’
‘As the young people move from our Saturday Club into the 16+ Group, we’ll provide continuity and continued support and help them to find their feet into adulthood.’
Funded by Richmond Parish Lands Charity, Hampton Fund, and BBC Children in Need and The Barnes Fund.
For more information about the 16+ Group, click here.