For over 35 years, we have provided bespoke, high-quality respite and support services (minimum of 2 hours) to unpaid carers. Our team cares for babies, children, young people, adults and the elderly with behavioural, emotional and/or medical needs.
Crossroads is positioned strategically across the boroughs of Richmond and Kingston upon Thames. We work with all other voluntary and statutory services and strive to meet the needs of carers and the people they care for. This includes identifying specific ‘hidden’ and ‘hard to reach’ groups within our local community.
A non-profit organisation, we can offer extended respite breaks beyond our charity services and provisions through private purchasing or match funding with direct payments, and contracts from health and social care providers e.g. NHS, Continuing Care Nursing team, Adult Social Services, Achieving for Children.
We pride ourselves on the excellent working relationship we have with our statutory Health and Social Care Professionals across Richmond and Kingston. Together we are ensuring that carers and the people they care for, living within these boroughs, receive the very best possible care and support.
Each package of care is bespoke and personalised. In order to maximise the quality and benefits of a respite break, we work closely and in conjunction with the expertise of the social and health care professionals involved. This may include looking after the whole family unit.
We welcome all new referrals. These can come from health and social care teams, GP surgeries, district nurses, continuing care, hospices, other voluntary services; or by carers themselves, their family and friends.

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